Create a circled countdown timer in React


Are you planning on creating a countdown timer to implement in your website? Then, congrats my friend you have come to the right place. In this article I will instruct you on how to use a simple npm-package called react-countdown-circle-timer to implement the countdown timer within seconds.


First things first, create a basic react template using npx create-react-app countdown-timer. Then open the terminal and write the following command npm i react-countdown-circle-timer and make sure that npm is installed otherwise the above command won't work.

After that in the App.js file write the following piece of code:

import { CountdownCircleTimer } from "react-countdown-circle-timer";

export default function Timer() {

  return (
        onComplete={() => [true, 0]}
          ["#004777", 0.33],
          ["#F7B801", 0.33],
          ["#A30000", 0.33],
        {({ remainingTime }) => remainingTime}

Then in the terminal just run npm start and bam!!! you will be able to see your countdown timer which looks something like this.

In the example above I have made a timer which will repeat itself after the given time-period but if you want a count-down timer which will run only once then remove this line from the above code

onComplete={() => [true, 0]}

You can also play with the props to create something different. Here are the list of props to tinker around.

If you want to test this out without creating the react project then here is the link to the sandbox where you can test different features all you want.


If you want to make a countdown-timer without the progressing circle and you also don't want to use any npm-package. Then write the code in your App.js file

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";

export default function OccupancyTimer() {
    const [timeLeft, setTimeLeft] = useState(15);

     useEffect(() => {
      if (timeLeft == 0) return setTimeLeft(timeLeft + 15);

     const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
       setTimeLeft(timeLeft - 1);
     }, 1000);

     return () => clearInterval(intervalId);
   }, [timeLeft]);

  return (

You can check out the demo of the above code here.

The above code will create count-down timer which will repeat itself after every 15 seconds. But if you want a count-down timer which is non-repeating then replace this line

if (timeLeft == 0) return setTimeLeft(timeLeft + 15);

with this

if (timeLeft == 0) return ;


Today you learnt about how to create a fancy progressing circled countdown timer and a simple countdown timer in React.

Hope you liked it and stay tuned for more.

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